Saturday, June 27, 2009

Second to Last Tonight - Part 2 of 8

Johnson will win at New Hampshire!

Jimmie Johnson will win this weekends race! He has a fast car.

Carl Edwards will race well. He has a good history on medium tracks.

Tony Stewart has the pole due to a rainout. That is good news because the pole has been important when rainouts occur this year. Stewart hasn't prcticed well but he will have the lead early and won't have to go through the field. Expected finish:

1. Jimmie Johnson
2. Carl Edwards
3. Tony Stewart
4. Jeff Gordon
5. Denny Hamlin

Stat of the week: Only 26 current major league players and managers, out of 1,042, have college degrees. This is according to the Wall Street Journal. It could be with this lack of education and the money they are getting paid that maybe steriods make sense to them. Let's see, take some pills or go back to college and do 20 page reports for a few years to get my degree.....what should a baseball player do? Not a smart decision but what would you do?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Jessica Simpson has a new fragrance inspired by Tony Romo. I created a new fragrance inspired by eating pistachios and plums.

Ed McMahan passed away today. He is Johnny Carson's sidekick. Wouldn't it be great if some channel played reruns of the Johnny Carson show. We will miss the "Here's Johnny" announcer.

Texas looks like they can take the series to the third game. LSU and Texas both have some great players. What's with Russell Moldenhauer. Doesn't have a home run all year and then hits four for Texas in Omaha. Maybe he can sign with the Omaha Royals. Well at least until they move to the new stadium.

Ok so Brett Favre is going to Minnesota to play for the Vikings. I am in the minority but good for him. I wonder what number he will wear? He will look very odd in a Viking uniform.

For Pete's sake, Manny Ramirez had 50 games to get his hair cut and he didn't. He played for Albuquerque and didn't do so good. However the Albuquerque team broke an all time attendance record of with over 15,000 at the game.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Revved up again!

After spending a wonderful week in Sweden with my family, it is time to blog again. In Sweden, we met family on my mom's dad side. It was a very interesting, educational, and rewarding trip. The family in Sweden went above and beyond in showing us a great time. We are very fortunate to have had this experience.

Everybody is skinny in Sweden. They eat a lot but they exercise a lot and they eat the right things.

I did have one night in Sweden where the skoaling got carried away. Just one night.

This is Father's Day and a special time for myself. My dad was the greatest dad ever and I miss him a bunch. Not a day goes by that I need his help or have a question for him. He is watching over us. Also my daughters were home to celebrate Father's Day with me. We had a very fun and memorable time. I am blessed with three great daughters.

Now on to less important things........

Mother Nature was not kind to the US Open Golf Championship. The rest of the final round is tomorrow and its too bad we have to work. Has to be bad for the ratings. Tiger will be in the mix but he has too many strokes to make up. Look for Lucas Glover to be the US Champ.

Things are bad in Washington for a number of reasons but the Washington Nationals aren't helping things with the worst record in baseball. I see they won three games in a row this week though.

The Nascar race today was a mess. I don't like road courses or restrictor plate races when it comes to the fantasy league. Kasey Kahne won today with Tony Stewart second.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Football 202 and vacation!

I'll be on vacation for a week so may not be posting. We'll see what the internet access. It's camp time again. There are 1400 kids and athletes attending camps in the next couple of weeks. Also at the end of July, there the second year of Football 202.

The following is Part 1 of my segment on Football 202 in 2008. Enjoy. Please make a comment below as to what you want more of on this site.


This writer found out how little he knew about the new age of football last Friday when he attended Football 202, a new program headed by Bo Pelini, the Nebraska football coach. Jeff Jamrog, the head of football operations, organized the day that allowed Husker fans to see up close a small sampling of what goes on inside of "Nebraska football." 132 attended the event. My guess is that next year there will be double that amount.

My daughters, Sarah, Jessica and Kim, paid and registered me for Football 202 as a birthday/Father's Day present and it was one of the best presents a dad could get. It was also fun to see Kim during the day as she works in the football office.

In addition, this writer sat in front of Tom Shatel from the Omaha World-Herald. See his article about Football 202 :
  • Tom Shatel

  • Jeff Jamrog started the day reviewing information regarding Nebraska football. Their budget is close to $34 million. The football programs helps pay for most of the budgets for the rest of Nebraska athletics.

    Some of the items budgeted are interesting and mind boggling. Here are a few of the budgeted items:

    Guarantees to non-conference teams to play at Nebraska......$2,700,000...
    Recruiting expense ......$560,000...
    Autographed footballs....$12,000....
    Team travel.....$437,185...
    Contest or game expense....$1,350,000.. Out of this officials are $170,000..

    Nebraska is #1 in the conference in paying out for guarantees for teams to play at Nebraska. The average guarantee is $710,000. Jamrog said this is not a position NU wants to be in.

    Recruiting is a top priority for Nebraska. Their priorities in the area of recruiting are:
    1. Nebraska (500 mile radius)
    2. California
    3. Texas (In the 2009 class, six of the nine recruits are from Texas)
    4. Florida
    5. National Junior Colleges
    6. National Position Recruiting

    The Huskers grade each player they are looking at. One of the items that is very important is that social skills must be good. If a player doesn't act like a team player or doesn't seem to blend in with the present players on a visit, they are eliminated right away.

    Jamrog discussed official visits vs unofficial visits. He noted that on an official visit that "we have 48 hours to impress the recruit".

    Jamrog is down to earth and a very funny guy. He was enjoyable.

    James Dobson was the next part of the program. He is the new strength coach for Husker football. He says when a recruit is looking to a college team one of the first things they should check out is the strength coach, his assistants, and the weight room facilities. He said a football player will spend more time working out and lifting than he will with everybody else during his college stay.

    The new emphasis to the NU football team by the new strength coach is developing burst and speed. They do their workouts based on 40 yard dashes with very short rests and then repeating the short bursts again. They also workout almost year around which they hope will give NU an advantage. Dobson doesn't believe in taking time off because you lose what we have gained in a short period of time.

    James Dobson is very likable and as energetic as any person you will ever see. The tour guide mentioned that the players are drenched in sweat now when they leave a workout. Asked if they were not this way the last few years, the tour guide diplomatically said "Next question!"

    Thursday, June 04, 2009

    Oklahoma Preview!

    Nebraska plays Oklahoma on November 7th. Oklahoma is a team of few weaknesses! See one site's preview for Oklahoma.

  • Monday, June 01, 2009

    Harry Caray on CrackerJacks

    The good ole days!! Harry is funny and he might have had one Bud Light before this audio.