Today kids need structure and rules. This leads to quality learning and building a framework of high moral character. The hard part is making the rules clear and concise. The coach must define his role to the team. At the college level today, this is done.
One of the biggest job of the coach after defining the rules is defining the consequences of what happens when a team member breaks the rules. These must be followed through or the whole idea of discipline goes out the window.
Rules and consequences must be in writing. All of this must be communicated and understood by the entire team.
Consequences of breaking rules must then be followed by appropriate action by the coach. Discipline is defined as "training that corrects, molds, or perfects the moral character of the teammate that broke the rules."
Kids know the difference between right and wrong. Players must respect their coach and the coaches will respect the players.
It appears that Maurice Purify has been a good teammate up until five weeks ago. Only the coaches and players really know this. We shouldn't make judgements as to what is best for a player as we haven't spent an hour with any of them. Maurice Purify's teammates should be very upset with their teammate! If not, something is wrong. Purify will need to go above and beyond to earn his teammates respect from here on out.
All of us have made mistakes and we pay for them. If you say you have never done anything wrong then you are already mistaken and youhave become judgemental which is even more wrong.
Lets let the coaching staff take care of Mr. Purify and hopefully get him back on track. Fans only care about how many weeks he will get suspended or if he will get kicked off the team. Only the coaches know the whole story.
What ever the coaching staff decides is best for the team and molding his players into becoming better examples is up to them. Our job as fans is to cheer for the players on the field!! We have a talented bunch of kids. Let's put our attention to supporting the players and not what should be done to one of the players when he broke a couple of rules. We don't set the rules. The university and the coaches do.
Do you know what the rules and consequences are for each rule. So then how do you think you know how long a player should be suspended? How do you know what it takes to mold that individual's moral character for the future.
Most fans will think that whatever is decided will be done so that NU can win more games. This writer doesn't feel Tom Osborne let Lawrence Philips play because all he wanted to do was win. He was doing everything the could to mold him into a better person and as we know it didn't turn out real well but he did what he thought was best. What would have happened to Johnny Rodgers if he would have been kicked off the team for armed robbery? We will never know but this writer thinks the best decision was made to make him a better person.
This writer is looking forward to a very exciting year of football with a very tough schedule. Let the coaches do the coaching and the fans do the cheering and we will all win!
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