Its time for all of you to see what this writer looks like. Some say I look like Tom Cruise or Paul Newman which I find flattering. I don't really think I am quite that good looking and I am sort of fat.
Anyway Tom Brady better watch out. It was reported today that
Are you sick of hearing about Maurice Purify, Barry Bonds, and Michael Vick? Callahan will announce what will happen to Purify when he is ready. Barry Bonds will break the home run record when the time is right. Babe Ruth didn't play when black people could play so should he have an asterisk? Henry Aaron probably played when things were more fair and deserved more recognition than he got or still has received today. Barry Bonds played part of his career when steroids were being used but the pitchers and everybody else were taking them too. So, who deserves the record? Barry Bonds! And the media needs to give Henry Aaron the attention he never got. He was great and has had the most prestigious record in sports.
This writer is sick of politics. It has gone too far!!! Has the media lost connection with the American public. Most Americans don't rate the media very high, but they are the first to run to the TV to watch stories on Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. These stories create a ratings bonanza for them. It shouldn't but only we can change the trend. This writer will stick to the Andy Griffith Show!
The NU 2008 football recruiting class presently has five Nebraska kids (If we keep Robinson), three kids from California, and one kid from Missouri, Colorado, Louisiana, North Dakota, Iowa, Arizona, Ohio, and Texas. One surprise is we only have one kid from Texas and Oklahoma. Nice to see the Nebraska talent!! Coach Busch and Wyatt have been mentioned a lot by the kids being recruited.
Chris Patrick has signed with the NY Giants. Warren Swain, our previous football radio voice before Jim Rose, will be announcing for the Ohio Bobcats! Swain announced for the Huskers from 1996 to 2002.
The Nebraska baseball team lost catcher Jeff Lanning this week but picked up Drew Grey, a catcher from a Division II school from Arkansas. Grey was picked in the 27th round of this year's draft.
What a day in sports!!
I think you look more like Taye Diggs!
You are not all that fat but "UGLY" is to the bone.
WOW... that Kim is HOT but who is TAYE Diggs?
I couldn't agree more with what you said about everything. I'm tired of hearing of Vick and Bonds. Was it Mantle who his 61 homeruns? Anyway, why is there an "*" by the 61, what did he do?
I think the writer looks like super sexy Ryan Seacrest!
Maris hit 61. The "*" is there because Babe Ruth hit 60 in 154 games. Maris hit 61 home runs after they expanded the season to 162 games.
Bonds is a cheater...I wish he would get beaned and dropped like a hot rock....Vick looks to be a criminal...if guilty I hope he gets the max and is banished from the league.
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