Friday afternoon Nebraska knocked off Colorado 40-31 in the most thrilling NU game this writer has ever attended. Nebraska seemed to be in control of the game after Colorado opened up a 14-0 lead but every time you would look at the score we were tied or behind. This writer didn't worry about it because we just seemed to be outplaying them and it was a matter of time. It was a matter of time at the end when we had a 4th and 25 from the Colorado 40 yard line. Thoughts went through my mind that we were beat. The ride home was going to be disappointing. There was no way. The sickening thought of our fake field that backfired for a Colorado touchdown went through my mind.
Should we punt? There was less than two minutes left in the game. A first down by Colorado and this game was over. Kunalic could possible hit a field goal from that distance but the chances were slim. Our offense didn't look to be with it this series so a first down needing 25 yards was not very probable. And then Alex Henery come on the field. He is a heck of a kicker and my vote all year long for All Big 12 but 57 yards? It couldn't be a fake. Not after the last one we tried. Impossible. And then the ball was snapped and he actually kicked it. Some yelled "It's short!"
But it kept going and going and then this writer saw a fan raise his hands behind the goal post and the crowd erupted. It went crazy! People were falling over over the place! Fans were hugging other fans they didn't even know. It has never been that loud in the Nebraska stadium.
But the game wasn't over. They had hit three early passes for a lot of yards and they might do it again. QB Hawkins threw the ball down the middle with his tight end temporily open. At the last second Lance Thorell leaped and knocked the ball away from the receiver. Wwwhhheeewwww! Still time left. Hawkins goes back to throw and Zach Potter, for the second time in the game, deflected it away to N. Suh and Suh races to the end zone for a touchdown. The crowd went crazy again and this time it might have been just as loud or louder. Nebraska had it won at last!!
Yes, we beat Oklahoma a few years ago on the Stuntz to Crouch pass. That was crazy, Yes, we beat Missouri on the famous Frost to Davison pass in overtime a few years ago. And yes we beat Texas A & M a couple of years ago on the Taylor to Purify pass when it looked like we were beat. The Oklahoma-Nebraska Game of The Century was as good as it gets. There are others. But this writer wasn't at those games and two of those games weren't even in Nebraska. Never had we had 85,000 plus fans at a game like this. It was loud. It gave you goosebumps and it made you emotional!
If you get a chance view Corn Nation's (In the Blog List) replay of the fieldgoal. WOW!
Stars of the game were of course, Henery and Suh, Helu again, and Zach Potter. Oh and the Nebraska fans!!!
The Big 12 was also crazy today. Kansas beats Missouri and Nebraska ties for the Big 12 North.
We are 8-4 and probably headed to the Gator Bowl. Let's go 9-4 but maybe don't make it so exciting this time.
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