FOX News

Friday, December 25, 2009

Nebraska bowl game is almost here

The Nebraska football team arrives in San Diego at 9 tonight CDT.

Prediction is: Nebraska 24 Arizona 17

I did pretty good on predictions during the regular season. I entered seven FunOffice Pool challenges. Here are the results:
Burnt Orange Nation (Texas) 1st out of 164
Corn Nation 10th out of 114
In the Bleachers 3rd out of 65
Huskerhorsepower (mine) 1st out of 8
RTT College Football 22nd out of 90
The Ralphie Report(Colorado) 3rd out of 115 2nd out of 27

Then the bowls come along and I have hit hardly anything.I have four entries on a local pool and after six games, I have just one correct answer on each sheet. Last place.

In the FunOffice Pool entries I have two and they are as follows:
Corn Nation 10th out of 23
RTT College Pool 36th out of 55
WOW, that is really bad. Hope I can right about Nebraska.


the toddler said...

Just pick the Mountain West Conference team. LOL

Johnny Boehler said...

Looks like the thing to do.