January 22
When you needed punishment as a child which parent corrected you and how?
Mom corrected me with a spanking
January 23
Tell about the naughtiest thing you ever did. If you got caught, describe the consequences.
We had company and the kids broke out the windows in the chicken house. Dad really gave it to us.
January 24
Who was the President when you were born?
Herbert Hoover 31st President of the United States 1929-1933
January 25
At what age did you first vote and for whom did you cash your first Presidential vote?
It was after I was married. I don't really remember but I would say President John F. Kennedy in 1961.
January 26
Did you ever see a President or Vice-President in person?
January 27
Did you ever have an imaginery friend?
January 28
What did you and your brothers or sisters fight about the most?
who was going to do chores, like feed the pigs or milk the cows or pick the cobs out of the pigpen to burn.
January 29
What was the dumbest stunt ever pulled by you and a brother or sister?
My brother was working on his car. It had an engine where you opened to it on the sides. He took it for a drive and I rode on the fender. Going up a hill I fell and got my thigh in the engine. I still have a big scar.
January 30
Tell about the worst winter storm that you can remember as a child.
I don't remember the worst storm. We went to country school and rode with a horse and wagon and about froze to death.
January 31
What did you use to go sledding down a hill in the snow?
We had a wooden sled we used.
February 1
What extras did you use for your snowman's face, buttons, arms, hat, etc.
use coal for the eyes and dad's hat.
February 2
Do you have any ice skating memories to share?
we never did go ice skating
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