February 3
Share a memory about a weather related school cancellation.
I don't remember ever having school cancelled.
February 4
Do you have any knowledge of the origins of your family name?
O was born in June so thats what they called me.
February 5
What were you doing to first smash a finger?
Probably hammering a nail.
February 6
Who was the most famous person you ever met as a child?
I don't think I ever met a famous person.
February 7
Tell about a big fib you told.
I can't remember a big fib I told but I know I probably told a lot of them.
February 8
Tell about someone who had a big influence over your life.
My Mom and Dad. We had a great family life with them and they were always understanding.
February 9
Tell of a nickname given to you by friends or classmates. How did you get it?
I don't remember any nickname.
February 10
What was your favorite meal as a child?
Mom always made homemade bread, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy and homemade pies
February 11
Who was your first boyfriend?
Bill Rydlund
February 12
Tell about the Valentine Day festivities at your school.
We always had a valentine for everyone and exchanged them.
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