FOX News

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Mom. Share Your Live With Me....

March 27
Tell of a childhood illness.
I got Rheumatic fever when I was 14. I had to stay in bed for 3 months.

March 28
Tell about an experience at the doctor's or dentist's
I spent ! week at the Holdrege Hospital when I had Rheumatic fever.

March 29
Name your best school chums.
Muriel and Elna Andersn. Patty Ryan. Mary Ann Roads.

March 30
What were some crazy names or nicknames in your school?
They called my brother, Plut.

March 31
Tell about a practical joke or prank you played on a person.
I can't remember any.

April 1
Do you have a good April Fool's Day story?

April 2
Tell about a practical joke or prank someone played on you.

April 3
As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
A nurse,

April 4
Did you ever make a kite/

April 5
Did you ever feel a hatred for another person? Explain.

April 6
Have you ever hunted or tried to capture a wild animal?
I did get a deer once. I had his horns made on a fork. Lloyd Porter made it for me,

April 7
Did you ever try to adopt a wild animal?

April 8th and 9th and 10th
No answer

April 11
Did your Mom or Dad ever find something you had hidden.

April 12
Give a memory of going to church as you were growing up.
We went to Fridhem Lutheran Church in Funk. Mom and us kids went about every Sunday.

April 13
Share a memory about a church social activity.
I went to Luther League during the week at the Fridhem Lutheran Church.

April 14
Tell about an Easter egg hunt.
Mom and Dad always hide Easter eggs for all of us on Easter. And our family tape shows us looking for Easter eggs.

April 15
Tell about any other Easter traditions.
The family together and have a big dinner and going to church.

April 16
Did you ever have a recurring dream as a child?

April 17
When you played make believe, what did you pretend?
I was a mother.

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