June 23
Did you ever go skinny dipping?
June 24
Did you ever make mud pies
I think as a little girl I made a lot of mud pies.
June 25
Did you go barefoot in the summer? If so, relate an experience about stepping on something?
I know we went barefoot a lot but can't remember stepping on anything but I know I did.
June 26
Describe a few of the favorite hair styles in your youth.
We had a simple hair style.
June 27
Tell about a bike you had.
Never had a bike.
June 28
As a youth, did you ever learn any sewing, stitching, or needlework?
My mother did a lot of sewing so I learned from her to sew, stitch, and do needlework.
June 29
Did you ever have or make a swing?
I know we had a swing but I think my brother Burton made it.
June 30
Tell about seeing something you thought was very beautiful.
Flowers. I love flowers.
July 1
Describe an outside game you made up.
I don't think I made any up.
July 2
Describe an inside game you made up.
Hide and Seek.
July 3
What kind of fireworks did people have when you were a youth?
We had no fireworks.
July 4
Tell about Independence Day traditions of your childhood.
We didn't do anything special on Independence Day.
July 5
Do you have a special July 4th that you remember most.
July 6
Did you ever go to carnivals or amusement parks? Where?
July 7
What kinds of rides and games were there? How much did they cost?
Don't know.
July 8
Tell about any State Fair or County Fair experiences.
We never went to any when I was growing up.
July 9
Tell about going to a circus or chautauqua.
Don't remember going to any.
July 10
Tell any favorite summertime memory.
Getting to stay with my grandmother or cousins.
July 11
Did you go fishing in your childhood?
No. But my dad loved to fish.
July 12
Tell about your biggest or best catch.
July 13
Do you remember having a favorite candy? How much did it cost?
A candy bar which cost a nickel.
July 14
Do you remember having a favorite snack that you made at home?
Homemade bread and butter
July 15
Share a memory about going on a picnic.
Mom belonged to a club, Busy Bee Sewing Club. We would go on a picnic with the club members at the Holdrege park. We always had such a good time. We went swimming.
July 16
What kids of party games or party activities were popular?
We always played outside. Like playing hide and seek.
July 17
Share a memory involving a heatwave or drought.
I grew up in the 30's during the drought. Mom and Dad always took good care of us.
July 18
What did you do to stay cool?
Have the windows open.
July 19
What was your favorite holiday of the year? Why?
Christmas. When my grandma ane other relatives got together.
July 20
Share a birthday party memory.
we never had any borthday party.
July 21
Tell about the neatest shoes you ever owned as a youth.
I don't remember having any neat shoes.
July 22
Share a memory about a power outage.
when we had a power outage we would go to bed.
July 23
Relate a memory involving a flood or cloudburst.
Don't remember.
July 24
Relate a memory of a tornado, hurricane, or destructive wind.
Don't remember any.
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