FOX News

Monday, May 26, 2008

Harlan County Lake

The Harlan County Lake now has an elevation of 1945.62. It will hit normal pool of 1946 tomorrow. HOWEVER, Bryce Boehler reported from Orleans that the Republican River is starting to drop. HOWEVER, it is now starting to rain again. Stay tuned for more HOWEVERS.

Michael Boehler caught five catfish on Saturday in the river. Bryce Boehler caught one today. This writer fished for seven hours both days without a bite except for some disease carrying mosquitoes. Scott Boehler says they aren't biting because there is too much to eat. He thinks that the flooding has carried all kinds of food into the river. My thought is if there are stale chips in the buffet, I still go for the prime rib! That's what I say anyway.

That's our current fishing report direct from Orleans today.

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