FOX News

Thursday, October 30, 2008

This writer thinks now it will be low scoring!

This writer has changed his mind and thinks this game will be low scoring.
Not entirely, but this writer is a contrarian so we will go will a score of 21-18, OU. Hard to believe right now but yes the defenses will be pretty darn good this Saturday and NU will stay in the game until the end.

Nate Swift is a great talent and a hard working player. He broke Johnny Rodgers record for career receptions last Saturday. But did you know "The Jet" had the previous record and accomplished his record in three years because Freshman couldn't play back then. So to equal Rodgers record, Swift would have to have 48 more receptions this year to do what Rodgers accomplished.

Top College football teams!
1. Oklahoma State
2. Alabama
3. Texas
4. Florida
5. USC
6. Penn State

Yes, OSU got beat by Texas by three or four points but would have Texas have beat them at Stillwater. This writer doesn't think so. We'll take OSU as #1 right now.

Tom Tresh recently passed away. He played in the ourfield with Mantle and Maris in the 60's. Great player.

The Phillies won the World Series. It was over before this writer could get into the series.

The Ernie Davis Story, we hear, is a great movie. Hope we can get to the Sun Theatre in Holdrege to watch it this weekend.

My brother just sent this picture. It is Kansas Coach Mark Mangino when he was a baby!!


Anonymous said...

I think it's the writers baby picture myself

bhartz13 said...

Hey, who beat me to that comment?